Empowerment Through Art Therapy
In addition to art therapy’s ability to assist in psychological healing, it can also serve to empower those individuals who find themselves in disempowering circumstances. Through her work with a wide range of populations, Elizabeth has seen first-hand how art therapy can help ameliorate feelings of powerlessness and restore a sense of self-agency. Art therapy derives its power to heal by giving clients the power to make numerous choices, from art materials to the level of engagement in the creative process. The creation and interpretation of art can help clients make meaning out of the circumstances of their lives, and finding meaning is incredibly empowering because it ultimately results in feelings of mastery over feelings of helpless and vulnerability. Elizabeth is committed to providing her clients with a safe and creative environment in which they can express and explore their feelings while, at the same time, encouraging an awareness of their enduring strengths and instilling in them a sense of hope for their future. |
Theoretical Approach: Elizabeth takes an eclectic approach to psychotherapy, based on her experience that "one size does not fit all." People are unique individuals - while one client may require a behavioral approach in dealing with their issues, an existential approach may work far better for another. Mindful awareness, attunement with the individual client and positive psychology are key components in Elizabeth's practice. She takes an interpersonal approach in working with her clients, one where the role of therapist is that of a fellow traveler accompanying her clients on their personal journey to improved mental health and well-being. Elizabeth's signature approach is based on her experience and firm belief in the ability of art therapy to help empower those individuals who find themselves in disempowering circumstances.